Feeling Twisted . . . All the Time?
I’m sure there were times on the playground showing off unnatural and contorted body movements could have been cool, after all, how many people can bend their fingers and arms in unimaginable ways? For a youngster, the ability to move about in a magical way would make Houdini jealous, but the reality is not an illusion, it is not a gift – more often, a curse.
You Took a Great Pic, Now What? The Digital Age Conundrum
With our digital devices, we are able to snap, chat, and post to a global audience, all documentarians in our own right. We are creating and consuming pixels at an exponentially fast pace, but are we preserving?
Back-Up, Your Power Within
The moral here: back-up-and I don’t mean just slow down and take your time, this is a serious conversation we are having- back-up your data after every shoot, back up your documents every week, and for Peter’s sake, listen to your Spidey sense, each and every time.
Putting the Quabash on Last Child Syndrome
If you are a younger sibling, you’ve probably noticed the plethora of photos, trinkets and memorabilia from the oldest – and may have wondered the whereabouts of your secret stash of childhood memories. News flash, what you see is probably what you get! Momatu, a photo sharing site, conducted a survey of 1,200 parents, and no surprise, more than half stated they took more photos of their first child than subsequent children.